What is rectifier diode? This device conducts current only in one direction. Its design is based on one p-n junction and two pins. The rectifier diode transforms the alternating current into a constant one. As a component of an electrical circuit, it exerts a high resistance to a current that runs in one direction, and a low one that runs in the opposite direction. This causes the rectification of the current. In fact, rectification is the transformation of an alternating current (voltage) into a current of one polarity (pulsing constant).
There are devices of two types: point and planar. In industry, the most common are silicon (Si) and germanium (Ge). The working temperature of the first one is higher. You can get acquainted with silicon rectifier diode datasheet on our website.
Rectifier diode application is in radio engineering, in electronic mechanisms, in voltage multiply circuits, in chains, where there are no strict requirements to the parameters of the time signal.