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It is hard to imagine a life without modern devices, and all the devices have different integrated circuits. If some of your devices do not work properly, and you are sure that the trouble is with TAA435 circuits, and it has to be replaced with a new one, here we offer TAA435 integrated circuits. The TAA435 is a AF amplifier circuit includes the input and driver stages preferred for use in combination with the AD161/162 transistor pair.

It has following characteristics:
Construction / internal: IC (5 Trans., 6 resistors, 1 diode);
Form / Case: TO-74 (~ TO-100);
Type / Content: NF-preamplifier and driver;
Data / Ub: 15 V;
Driver current: max. 70 mA;
Tmin: -20 °C;
Tmax: 60 °C.

Price: £11.99
+ VAT 20% for UK purchases
+ VAT 20% for UK purchases
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Product specifications
Type Integrated Circuit
Manufacturer NXP Semiconductors
Case TO100
Upper 3dB BW (Hz) 10k
Outp Pwr Min. 4.0
Quies. Pwr (W) 400
THD Max. (%) 10
AV (dB) Min. 80-
Oper. Temp (°C) Min -25
Oper. Temp (°C) Max. 85
Pinout Equivalence Number N/A
No. of Pins N/A
Surface Mounted Yes/No NO
SKU 308421