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SKU: MGF1801
MGF1801 Transistor GaAs N Channel FET - CASE: Standard MAKE: Mitsubishi
Price: £59.99
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+ VAT 20% for UK purchases
  • 2 pieces in 1-2 Days
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Product specifications
Type Transistor GaAs N Channel FET
Manufacturer Mitsubishi
Case Standard
@Freq. (test) 12G
@I(D) (A) 100m
Id Max. (A) 250m
Mat. GaAs
Oper. Pwr Out Typ. 150m+
f(osc) Max. (Hz) 45G
PD Max. (W) 1.0
S11 Deg. (Typ) 72
S11 Mag Typ. .695
S22 Deg. Typ. 129
S22 Mag Typ. .780
@V(DS) (V) 6
Oper. Temp (°C) Max. 150
Surface Mounted Yes/No YES
SKU 81838