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SKU: LC7818
LC7818 Integrated Circuit CMOS - CASE: DIP30 MAKE: SANYO
Price: £11.99
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LC7818 Datasheet
Product specifications
Type Integrated Circuit CMOS
Manufacturer Sanyo Semiconductor
Case DIP30
Ckts Per Dev. 2
@Is (test) (A) 1.0m
PD Max. (W) 500m
Nom. Neg Supp 20
Nom. Pos. Supp 20
R(ds) On (Û) 120
Tech. CMOS Integrated Circuit
@Vd (test) (V) 9.0
Oper. Temp (°C) Min -30
Oper. Temp (°C) Max. 75
Pinout Equivalence Number 30-20
No. of Pins 30
Surface Mounted Yes/No NO
SKU 32113