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Home / Actives / Diode / Diac Diode / 1N5411


SKU: 1N5411
1N5411 Diac Diode - CASE: DO26 MAKE: RCA
Price: £4.79
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Product specifications
Case DO26
Type Diac Diode
Manufacturer RCA - Harris
VBO Max. 35
VBO Min 29
Itrm Max. (A) 2.0
On State Volt VTM 5.0
Sw. Curr. Max.(A) 10u
Rev. Volt (Vr) 3.0
Oper. Temp (°C) Min -40
Oper. Temp (°C) Max. 100#
@It (A) 10m
@Pulse Width (S) 30u
Surface Mounted Yes/No NO
SKU 91726